CokoChan を著作者とするこの 作品 は クリエイティブ・コモンズの 表示 - 非営利 - 継承 4.0 国際 ライセンスで提供されています。
RiversideWalk |
這世界上最昂貴的,就是信任。它需要時間形成,卻會在瞬間瓦解,而且永遠都無法修復。 Trust is the most expensive thing in the world. It takes years to build, seconds to crush, and forever to repair. |
少了關心,愛變得無趣;少了真誠,愛不再愉悅;少了信任,愛開始不安;少了尊重,愛將會消逝。 Without caring, love is boring. Without honesty, love is unhappy. Without trust, love is unstable. Without respect, love is lost. |
若你毫不懷疑的相信一個人,那結果只有兩種:要不就得到一生的知己,要不就得到一生的教訓。 One of two things happen when you trust someone wholeheartedly; you either find a lifelong friend, or you learn a lifelong lesson. |
只要你敞開心胸去關懷,你會發現,被安慰的反而是自己。 If you open your heart to care, you’ll realize that you are the one who gets comforted. |
生命中最難的階段不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。 The hardest time in life isn’t when no one understands you, but when you don’t understand yourself. |
有時候你懷念的不是那個人,而是一起共度的時光和感覺。 Sometimes what you long for, is not the person, but the times you spent together. |
這個世界,對著你笑的人太多太多,但真心包容你的卻太少太少。 The world is full of people that will smile at you, but only a few truly care. |
善待不喜歡的人,並不代表虛偽;只意味著你內心已經成熟 Being nice to those who you despise doesn’t make you a hypocrite, it only means that you are mature enough to tolerate things you don’t like. |
我們的一生會遇到許多人;有的人會愛你,有的人會傷你,有的人會帶出最好的你。 Of those people we meet in life, some are here to love you, some are here to hurt you, and some are here to bring out the best of you. |
人在吵架時,總是用喊的,是因為生氣時兩顆心的距離變的很遠。 We tend to shout when we are fighting; that’s because our hearts drift far away apart when we are mad at each other. |
對的人其實一直都在,只是有時被那些錯的人擋住了視線。 The right person is always there, sometimes they just got blocked by the wrong ones. |
問題本身不是問題,面對問題時的態度才是問題。 The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. |
人常犯的一個錯,就是花時間去在乎一些,不怎麼在乎你的人。 The most common mistake is spending too much time caring about those who don’t care about you. |
任何因取代而生的愛,都註定會是個悲劇。 Love meant to be a replacement is destined to be a tragedy. |
等待苦,放手也苦。不知該選哪個,更苦。 Waiting is painful. Letting go is painful. But not knowing which to choose is the worse kind of suffering. |
總有一些事,讓你在不經意中,看清了一些人。 Sometimes, it’s the little things that tell you who some people really are. |